
Many times, we find ourselves in a relationship without experiencing true happiness. We endure our partner's behavior, hoping that one day they will change. As time passes, we engage in repetitive arguments, relive the same stories, and employ similar ways to inflict emotional pain upon each other and ourselves. Navigating the period when the initial blush of "eros" fades away, we often find ourselves entangled in a painful power struggle, questioning what went wrong and how to address it.

Some reasons contributing to this phenomenon include:

  • Insufficient honest communication with ourselves and our partner.

  • A lack of interest in the relationship from one or both partners.

  • Differences in mentality and lifestyle between me and my partner.

  • Unawareness of how to foster a healthy relationship.

  • Absence of a smooth transition from the excitement of "falling in love" to a mature state of "love."

  • Lack of polarity between masculine and feminine energy, among other factors.

What kind of relationship you want to have?

There are two types of relationships: those that are built upon the armor of the heart and those that possess the power to penetrate it.

The first type involves relationships that are formed on the surface, where the armor of the heart remains intact. It is as if a protective shield surrounds the core of one’s being, preventing deep vulnerability and connection. In these relationships, individuals may find themselves hesitant to fully expose their true selves, afraid of being hurt or rejected. While there may be a sense of companionship, the connection lacks the depth and intimacy that stems from baring one’s soul.

Contrasting this, the second type of relationship possesses the ability to penetrate the armor of the heart. It is marked by a profound level of vulnerability and trust, where individuals feel safe to reveal their authentic selves. In these connections, hearts intertwine on a deeper level, allowing for genuine emotional intimacy and profound understanding. These relationships have the power to ignite transformative growth and offer a sanctuary for the true essence of each individual to flourish.

It is important to recognize that the distinction between these two types of relationships is not fixed or permanent. The armor of the heart can be softened and dismantled over time, allowing for a greater depth of connection to emerge. With open communication, emotional support, and a willingness to be vulnerable, it is possible to transform a surface-level relationship into one that penetrates the armor of the heart.

Who is this for

For couples seeking a more conscious exploration of their relationship, viewing it as a field for personal growth.

  • For couples facing a crisis and unsure of how to salvage their relationship.

  • For couples anticipating the joy of welcoming a child into their lives.

  • For couples experiencing dissatisfaction in their love life.

  • For couples contemplating a deeper commitment but hesitant to relinquish their independence and freedom.

  • For couples navigating boredom, where the initial spark of chemistry has dimmed despite their love for each other.

  • For couples dealing with a "third person" situation.

  • For couples desiring to enhance their relationship by learning new ways to connect.

  • And more.

“Dear Man,

I long to open my heart and invite you in. Will you be there to hold space for me?

Love me, even though we acknowledge that nothing lasts forever…

You don't have to be a "perfect" man to enter my heart. Just be there... and I will unlock the Gates of my Heart, welcoming you in.

Dear Woman,

Will you reveal the vulnerability of your beautiful heart in my presence?

Love me, even though it might endure forever…

You don't need to be a perfect woman to enter my heart. Just relax... and let me guide you back home.”

Private Sessions

My tantra background, my experience with my clients and my journey with my partners taught me that if both people commit to working on their relationship, they can create the relationship of their dreams! 


Dive deeply into the nest of your relationship, strengthening its foundation and allowing the nectar of love to blossom.

My Session

You initiate the process by sending me an email, both partners expressing your current feelings. Rest assured, this communication is entirely confidential, and I never disclose it to your partner.

Based on the insights gleaned from your messages, I tailor a specific class for you that can be done online. The tools employed during these sessions vary depending on the situation. Some of these tools include tantra, massage, family constellations, inner child healing, and more.

My tantra background, my experience with my clients and my journey with my partners taught me that if both people commit to working on their relationship, they can create the relationship of their dreams!