Akashic Records and Cacao Ceremony

Athens | March 10 | 10:00-18:00

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What is about?

A cacao Seminar-Ceremony where it will put you in touch with the vibration of the Akashic Records and help you take the next step in your Self-Improvement journey depending on where you are.

We will learn what the Akashic Records are and how important it is to access them. We will drink cocoa in order to "clean" the channel that connects us to other dimensions and we will make a first contact with our guides through a meditation-initiation to access the Akashic Records.

Through the spiritual power of cocoa, various introspection exercises and a short meditation to access your Akashic Records, this workshop will offer you a safe space to delve into your gifts, your self-awareness and your beautiful heart! It is a seminar that will help you understand if Channeling is one of your paths as well as offer you the next step on the path of your personal development, whatever that may be for you! Come with Intention!

Meet your Instructors:

Agapi Apostolopoulou

My name is Agapi Apostolopoulou and I love leading people on a journey of discovering their Authentic Self.

I am the creator of the Love-me method and I offer a variety of sessions and workshops in different parts of the world, combining the Secrets of Shamanism, Archetypes, Art, Tantra, Dance, and Spirituality.

My journey into Tantra began many years ago when I was introduced to the ancient teachings of the Tantric tradition. I was immediately drawn to the transformative power of Tantra and began exploring its teachings in depth.

Today I teach tantra online and live in different countries of the world using my approach and touch!

I have three main approaches to teaching tantra: a Shamanic approach, a sensual and the meeting of our inner man and woman.

I find it fascinating how working with Tantra can create such an amazing field of profound transformation for men and women!

I believe that people need to find their power again, not from an authoritarian point of view but from their re-connection to the Earth, the healing of their Sexuality, and through entering the fields of Presence and Unconditional Love!


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