Our Program
10th of April
Introduction and opening of the workshop
11th of April
Finding my Authentic self
BBTRS focused on the inner child (traumas and gifts)
Tantra: meeting our inner child (realising the existence of the inner child and how it can take over the lead of our relationships)
Strengthening the relationship with this child and acknowledging and seeing the child of others.
Learning how to deal with triggers and Projections
12th of April
Journey to polarities
BBTRS focused on inner polarities
Tantric Tango: Healing our inner Feminine and Masculine and realising that we are beyond polarities
Tantric Sacred ceremony of the dance between Attention and Flow of Energy
13th of April
Women and men separate
Women: Womb healing, reconnection to the earth, embodying the archetypes of the menstrual cycle
Men: Presence, healing the father figure, embodying different archetypes
Shamanic ritual of letting go of x partners
14th of April
Sacred sexuality
BBTRS: Breathwork focused on healing sexuality
We breathe in water and we go deeper in tantric meditations to heal our perception of sexuality
Tantra: Exploring our shadow, the subconscious programming of the porn industry
Learning techniques that could help us convert an ordinary sex into a sacred sex
15th of April
Therapeutic Cacao Ceremony focused on “Ieros Gamos” (finding our twin flame within)
Breathwork to open the Senses
Tantra: Diving in the senses and meeting the Divine deep inside the body
Ways of healing through the Senses
16th of April
Integration and Closure through the Senses
We integrate the journey in a pleasurable way with a meditation of diving in the Senses and Finding the Divine within!