Sacred Exploration of
Women's Spirituality

In the tapestry of feminine spirituality, women are bestowed with a profound gift—the Menstrual Cycle. This rhythmic journey unfolds in four distinct phases, each revealing a unique facet of the feminine essence. Guided by the influence of hormones and the moon, these phases evoke diverse ways of thinking, expressing emotions, and harnessing energy.

Discovering the
Goddess Archetypes:

Within this cycle, the archetypal energies of Greek Goddesses


come to life. Embracing these archetypes during each phase empowers women to honor their natural flow, cultivating a deep connection to self and spirituality

Navigating Menopause
with Grace:

As women gracefully transition into postmenopause, a state of profound wisdom beckons. For those who've authentically lived through the phases, this marks a seamless integration into the Wise Woman's archetype. However, for those who may have overlooked their feminine cycles, there is an opportunity for reactivation—a chance to rediscover, heal, and empower these archetypes.

Women with Menstrual Cycle

Embark on this transformative journey, honoring the sacred rhythms of the feminine spirit.

Women in Menopause

Unleash your true potential, heal from within, and embrace the profound wisdom that resides in every woman's spiritual journey.

My Workshops

In my tantra workshops, I first create a field of exploring our inner man and woman and reconnecting our energetic body with the Earth and the Universe. I first guide people into an individual journey of exploration where we learn how to liberate and heal our sexuality, inner child, awareness, and capacity to put boundaries.
Then we work in couples or groups, augmenting the opposite polarities and observing the magnetism that comes out, as well as the spiciness, pleasure, and love.
My workshops are mainly focused on helping people reconnect with their Divinity inside the body and learn how to embrace all life from the same perspective!

“When a man is able to stand in front of a woman connected to his inner God and a woman to her inner Goddess, then any interaction between them becomes a magnificent path of bliss, ecstasy, and divine love!”