Tantra Teacher Training

only for Women

next training: 2025

What is about?

It’s a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation.

This journey involves one online training and one in-person retreat,, tracing your transformation into a Women’s Tantra Facilitator.

In this course, you will learn how to teach tantra both online and in person. It consists of two months of online classes where we will meet twice per week, along with some Saturdays and weekends. Following this, you will have two months of homework aimed at deepening your understanding of tantra within yourself. Finally, we will meet in person for approximately 15 days to explore the topics covered online, review the journals from our homework, and engage with new material.

Through this training, you will delve into the very heart of womanhood, experiencing it both as a student and, more importantly, as teacher.

This unique program guides you through the art of facilitating women's Tantra using Tantric meditations, Inner child healing, Womb activation, and a lot more.

You will delve into the heart of womanhood, honing foundational knowledge in Shamanism, Spirituality, and Tantra.

You will develop essential skills in creating an energy field, guiding meditative experiences, structuring classes, integrating mind-body-spirit aspects, and much more.

The space is very limited and intimate, only 13 participants!

What is there for me??

For you, this training offers a transformative experience as both a student and a potential teacher.

Becoming a tantra teacher goes far beyond arranging exercises and instructing people to do them. Being a teacher starts by recognizing that you’re on a mission, serving your students rather than the other way around. 

What truly makes you an effective self-development teacher is when you’re actively engaged in your journey of uncovering, accepting, and healing your hidden aspects. The more you work on yourself, the better equipped you are to hold a supportive space for your student. This is why you will experience this training both, as a student and as a future teacher!

In addition to that, you will delve into the heart of womanhood, honing foundational knowledge in Shamanism, Spirituality, and Tantra. Develop essential skills in creating an energy field, guiding meditative experiences, structuring classes, integrating mind-body-spirit aspects, and much more.

Is that for me?

This training is designed with you in mind, especially if:

  • You sense the calling to impart the teachings of Tantra to others

  • Your journey of self-exploration has granted upon you profound wisdom that you're eager to share

  • You feel the call to assist people in returning to their natural state of being.

  • You are already engaged in teaching and wish to elevate your teaching powers.

  • You desire to amplify your self-esteem and aptitude for guiding a class effectively.

  • Your intuition is nudging you towards this training as the next step in your path of growth.

What I get?

Exploring the chakra system and its alignment with female and male bodies.

  • Harnessing the power of Kundalini energy for personal growth and transformation.

  • Healing childhood traumas and reconnecting with the inner child.

  • Transitioning into womanhood while honoring the inner child.

  • Delving into the principles and practices of Pink Tantra.

  • Learning to transmit Tantra wisdom to students.

  • Cultivating attention and energy are foundational principles of Tantra.

  • Exploring the magical world of the senses as gateways to higher consciousness.

  • Understanding the electromagnetic polarities of chakras in female and male bodies.

  • Learning the breath of light

  • Awakening and healing the Womb

  • Practicing the sacred connection between the Womb and the Holy Grail

  • Connecting with Mary Magdalene and Isis

  • Initiating into sacred sexuality and teaching the secrets of sacred lovemaking.

  • Understanding the menstrual cycle and its archetypes, including menopause.

  • Honoring the power of the Menstrual blood

  • The magical healing power of sacred Belly Dancing

  • Harnessing the healing power of Yoni Eggs

  • How to give energetic birth

  • Initiating men into sacred sexuality and the mysteries of Tantra.

  • Receiving guidance on self-promotion.

Why this training?

What sets my approach to tantra apart from other teacher trainings is my deep devotion to the divine within the body. All my teachings aim to assist individuals in clearing any obstacles that may exist between their personality and their divine self.

I place significant emphasis on creating a safe space for my teachings, not only physically but also emotionally and, most importantly, energetically.

I establish this when I first guide a more individual tantra journey by learning to establish boundaries within their bodies, embracing liberating sexuality, owning their "yes" and "no," and re-establishing a profound connection with the Earth. Once these foundations are in place, we are prepared to progress on the Tantric path with others.

Tantra Teacher Training for Women

  • To be eligible for enrollment, there are certain prerequisites that you should meet.

    possess a minimum of 1 year of experience in the realm of self-development and tantra

    you should speak English

    availability of free time for studying

    to be a woman

  • Starts February 2nd 2025

    Ends June 2025

    Following this retreat, you can either continue directly with the Tantra Teacher for All program or return home and embark on your journey as a Tantra teacher for women!

    Most of the online classes are every Tuesday and Thursday from 20:00-21:30 EET and some Teaching practices are happening during the weekends

  • From the comfort of your home.

    It is Online and In Person

    In person: Coming Soon

  • 2200 (online and in person training)

    In addition to the course fees, participants are required to pay for accommodation & food at the venue.

    SPACE IS LIMITED, BOOK EARLY! (max 15 participants)

  • Coming Soon

The space is limited to maximum 15 participants in the in person training.

If you've reached the point of being interested in teacher training, it means that your self-development journey has kindled a deep desire to share your wisdom with others. The key to a successful training lies in immersing yourself in a profound journey of personal transformation while also gaining teaching experience through numerous opportunities and receiving essential feedback. This is why I prefer keeping the number of participants small. It ensures everyone gets ample chances to teach, maintaining the quality and intimacy of the workshop within a small group.

It is not guaranteed that you will get the certification even if you will complete the training. Guiding others is a highly sensitive role of great responsibility.

Becoming a Tantra teacher goes far beyond arranging exercises and instructing people to do them. 
Being a teacher starts by recognizing that you’re on a mission, serving your students rather than the other way around. 
And what truly makes you an effective Tantra teacher is when you’re actively engaged in your own journey of uncovering, accepting, and healing your own hidden aspects. The more you work on yourself, the better equipped you are to hold a supportive space for your students. This is why you will experience this training both, as a student and as a future teacher!

Schedule | Online Training

  • Exploring Tantra in Person Retreat | June 1-11

    During the first five days, we will practice everything we learned online in person, along with techniques for warming up the group by fostering a sense of safety, performing Tantric Ceremonies (pujas), energetically birthing, holding space for a love lounge for women, activating the sacred spot (G spot), and conducting Tantric ceremonies focused on the Female Goddess Archetypes (exploring both the light and shadow aspects).

    For the subsequent five days, we will focus on learning how to teach both independently and as part of a team.

  • A typical day would be:

    7:30 AM - Morning Meditation

    8:30 AM - 9:00 AM - Breakfast

    10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Practice

    4:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Practice

    7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Dinner

    Followed by rest in silence or evening practices, ceremonies, and parties.

    On the final day, we will hold a graduation ceremony and a class on self-promotion.

  • raduation and Promotional Class

    On the final day, we will hold a graduation ceremony and a class on self-promotion.

    Following this retreat, you can either continue directly with the Tantra Teacher for All program or return home and embark on your journey as a Tantra teacher for women!

Schedule | In-Person Retreats

  • The online tantra teaching training is the first part to become a Tantra teacher:.


    A Prerecorded class of around 1,5 hours :

    Introduction to the Training:

    What is this training about? How will we navigate between the experiential as students and then as teachers? And why is it so important to experience the journey as students who will later teach as teachers?

    Fundamentals of Teaching a Tantra Class: Practicalities and Differences between Teaching Online and In Person.

    Tantra: history and different types of Tantra

    Becoming a Tantra Teacher: Choosing Between Ego-Driven or Mission-Driven Paths

    The importance of not engaging sexually with your students (at least during the workshop)

    How to maintain an energetically clean space within the workshop to avoid unhealthy energetic connections between your students.


    6 classes every Tuesday and Thursday @ 20:00 – 21:30 EET


    11 classes every Tuesday and Thursday

    @ 20:00 – 21:30 EET

    Practice: Teaching 1 | Feb. 29 to Mar. 3 2025 and Teaching

    Practice: Teachings 2 | Mar. 14 to Mar. 16 2025


    Diving into Tantra | June 11 to June 26 2025

    Closure with tips on promotion & Teaching Certifications |

  • Date: 2nd of February 2025, | Time: 20:00-21:30 EET

    Introduction: Sharing my approach to Tantra and Shamanism, I extend a warm welcome to all, taking the time to connect with each individual in the group and collectively establish our unique intention for the course

  • Who a human is?

    We'll explore distinctions between spirit, soul, and personality. We will understand the constitution of various bodies, including the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic, and comprehend the functioning of each.

  • Deepening into the energetic body and chakra system.

    We will deepen our understanding of how the energetic body functions and examine the chakra system, exploring its diverse polarities in alignment with female and male bodies.

  • Kundalini

    We will engage with one of the most potent forces within our bodies—the kundalini. We will do that by reconnecting to the vital energy that we absorb from the earth and using it as the fuel for the better functioning of all our bodies as well as the creation of our external reality.

  • Traumas and inner child

    Who is the inner child, and how are traumas created? How do traumas influence our lives emotionally, mentally, and energetically? Why is it important to heal our traumas, and how can Tantra help us?

  • In the second part, we will delve into the realms of Tantra and learn how to transmit our wisdom to our students.

    The second part also includes homework that you can complete at your own pace, either at home alone or with a tantric partner if you have one.

    Most classes will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 20:00 to 22:00 EET, with some exceptions for classes held on weekends.

  • The structure of a Tantra class

  • The two principles of Tantra (Attention and Energy)

    We will start a journey of training our inner masculine (attention) to meet our inner feminine (energy) inside the body and learn how to transmit this to our students

  • Senses Gates to the Divine (sight, hearing, smell)

    We will dive into the senses consciously, using them as gates that can lead us to higher levels of consciousness and we will learn how to teach a class of senses.

  • Senses Gates to the Divine 2 (touch and taste)

    We will dive into the senses consciously, using them as gates that can lead us to higher levels of consciousness and we will learn how to teach a class of senses

  • Dive deeper into the relationship between Attention and Energy

    The more we direct our attention to the body to observe and hold space for the waves of our energy, the more we can live a life of totality connected with our inner divine, which is the nectar of Tantra.mote yourself

  • Preparation for teachings

  • Inner polarities and Chakras

    We explore the difference between a female and male body in the electromagnetic polarities of their chakras and learn the breath of light and how to teach it.

  • We will explore teaching online some of the meditations we learned and also blending our own wisdom with them.

    It is necessary to have at least two students participating so that the teacher will receive both my feedback and the students' feedback.

  • Erogenous zones of the female and male bodies.

    How to transform ordinary sex into sacred lovemaking with healing properties and the potential for spiritual awakening.

  • Sex Magic

    How to create realities with a Sacred Tantric Lovemaking.

  • We will explore teaching online some of the meditations we learned and also blending our own wisdom with them.

    It is necessary to have at least two students participating so that the teacher will receive both my feedback and the students' feedback.


Tantra Teacher Training | Coming Soon