The Alchemical Journey 1:

Pathways to Empowerment

starting on the 15th of October

What is about?

The 'The Alchemical Journey' is a transformative 10-class online experiential training." that blends Amaterra tantra, Shamanism, Healing dance and Esoteric spirituality.

Whether you are already on your path or just starting, this course offers valuable insights.

If you are already experienced in the path of self-development, this course can help you sharpen your focus and even choose the best training that aligns with your true essence. If you are just starting, it offers a clear and safe foundation to begin your journey.

The tools

Amaterra Tantra: Amaterra Tantra is a unique practice I gave birth to, blending traditional tantra with shamanic wisdom and a deep connection to the Earth. It is a path of profound transformation, where we reconnect with our bodies as sacred temples and align with the rhythms of nature. Through this practice, we embrace our inner divinity, heal old patterns, and rediscover our true power. Amaterra Tantra is a journey to embody our essence, guided by the wisdom of the Earth and the innate energy within each of us.

Shamanism: The shamanic path is the journey that guides you to the realization that you belong to this planet. You are the son and daughter of Mother Earth, who yearns to love, nourish, and provide you with everything you desire! On this path, you uncover the secrets of the energetic world, establish connections and communication with the elements, and experience and utilize the plants and all of nature in a sacred manner. It is a beautiful journey of respect, love, and dedication to your life on this planet!

Healing dance: Healing Dance is a brunch of dance I created in one of my introspective explorations. It is a combination of free, expressive dance and exercises inspired by the Family Constellation technique. We use Family Constellation to access inner states that need healing. When we enter these states, fully embracing the emotions or sensations present, we do not sit still; instead, we continue moving.

What you will learn?

In 'The Alchemical Journey,' you will touch upon a variety of transformative subjects:

  • Activate Dormant Brain Areas: Begin learning to access other dimensions by awakening parts of your brain that are often unused.

  • Connect with Archangels: Start developing a deeper connection with archangels for guidance and support.

  • Healing with Coffee and Cacao: Explore the healing process with the spirit of coffee and cacao.

  • Discover Your Life's Mission: Begin uncovering your true purpose in this life.

  • Release Blocks to Abundance: Identify and start clearing programs and traumas that hinder your ability to receive abundance.

  • Reconnect with Your Inner Child: Begin the journey of healing and nurturing your inner child.

  • Healing and Activating Kundalini: Touch on safe methods to activate your Kundalini energy.

  • Heal Your Inner Masculine and Feminine: Explore the process of healing your inner masculine and feminine energies.

  • Explore Diverse Techniques: Experience an introduction to a variety of self-development practices, including tantra, shamanism, and spirituality.

  • Build a Strong Foundation: For beginners, establish a clear and supportive foundation in self-development practices.

  • Refine Your Focus: For those more experienced, gain insights to help refine your focus and guide further training.

The Alchemical Journey 1

  • We begin on the 15th of October and will continue with 10 classes, held every Tuesday and Thursday from 20:00 to 21:30 EET.

    We do not have class on Tuesday, October 22. The class will be rescheduled for Wednesday, October 23. Anyone who cannot attend online can watch the recorded session.

  • From the comfort of your home.


  • 220 Euros

Prerequisite for Enrollment: Participants must identify themselves by their physical bodies. Individuals with male bodies must identify as men, and individuals with female bodies must identify as women. This is essential for the workshop's focus on exploring and deepening our connection to our physical selves.


  • I first met Agapi at a cacao ceremony she hosted. The shift I felt within compelled me to sign up for her Tantra teacher training course. From Tony Robbins to Dr. Joe Dispenza, I have attended numerous self-development workshops. Agapi's Alchemical Journey online course is one of the best courses I've ever taken. It's given me tremendous insight into myself and my mission in the world. It's been by far the most holistic and transformative experience I've experienced in my life.

    Jennifer Thompson

  • Through Agapi’s workshop, I learned how i was sabotaging my abundance! Connecting with the sprit of cacao and coffee was eye-opening and deeply grounding.

    David Thompson

  • Participating in the “Alchemical Journey 1” made me realize the magic in everyday moments. The healing presence of the archangels was overwhelming, and i now feel a deep connection to the Earth. Thank you Agapi!

    Aisha Njeri


  • We begin on the 15th of October and will continue with 10 classes, held every Tuesday and Thursday from 20:00 to 21:30 EET.

  • The Alchemical Journey Workshop Schedule

    First Class: Who a Human Being Is

    • Explore the difference between spirit, soul, and body.

    • Delve into the various bodies: mental, emotional, energetic, and physical.

    Second Class: Our Kundalini

    • Understand the vital energy we absorb from the Earth.

    • Learn how this energy flows through our chakras and nourishes our pineal gland.

    Third Class: Connect with the Spirit of Cacao

    • Communicate with the spirit of Cacao.

    • Develop a meaningful relationship with this sacred plant.

    Fourth Class: The World of the Inner Child

    • Acknowledge, recognize, and heal your inner child.

    • Embrace the transformative power of inner child work.

    Fifth Class: The World of Archangels

    • Get to know the archangels and their unique qualities.

    • Learn to connect with them personally for guidance and support.

    Sixth Class: Connecting with the Spirit of Coffee

    • Discover how to connect with the spirit of Coffee.

    • Open the gates of abundance through this connection.

    Seventh Class: Our Life Mission

    • Uncover your mission in this life.

    • Engage with past lives to understand your soul's journey.

    Eighth Class: Illuminating Our Shadow

    • Explore the concept of the shadow self.

    • Find ways to bring light to your shadow and integrate it into your being.

    Ninth Class: Eros and Unconditional Love

    • Understand the difference between Eros and unconditional love.

    • Learn to use the state of Eros to reach unconditional love through conscious relationships.

    Tenth Class: Q&A, Closure, and Certificates

    • Engage in a Q&A session to clarify any doubts.

    • Celebrate the closure of the workshop and receive your certificates of completion.

Why I created this course?

I've crafted this transformative course, "The Alchemical Journey", with a deep-rooted passion to guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual enlightenment. In a world often clouded by the mundane, I felt compelled to create a space where participants can unearth the extraordinary within themselves and the universe.

The course emerged from a profound belief in the magic that resides within everyone and each one of us waiting to be unveiled.

Drawing from the realms of shamanism, tantra, and spirituality, I curated this experience to offer a comprehensive exploration of the energetic, spiritual, and mystical aspects of existence. I intend to provide a roadmap for those seeking to understand the intricacies of their energetic bodies, connect with celestial dimensions, and tap into the profound wisdom of plant spirits.

Having personally witnessed the transformative power of these teachings, I am driven to share these invaluable tools and insights. The course is not just a collection of classes; it's a guided journey toward self-awareness, healing, and the actualization of one's true potential.

I believe that by delving into the Alchemical Journey, participants can transcend limitations, unlock their unique gifts, and cultivate a profound connection with the universe. It's my sincere hope that this course becomes a catalyst for positive transformation, empowering individuals to live authentically, manifest their dreams, and embrace the enchanting magic that surrounds us all. Join me in this exploration, and let's unveil the extraordinary together.


Tantra Teacher Training | Coming Soon