Chakras and Polarities

The chakras are energy centers connected to our physical bodies through different glands. According to tantra, these chakras possess polarities, functioning as batteries with a transmitter and a receiver.

The specific polarities vary depending on the body. In the male body, the first chakra acts as a transmitter, sharing vitality with the world. The second is receptive, the third transmits the highest meaning of presence, the fourth receives, and the fifth transmits the power of expression.

Conversely, in the female body, the first is a receiver, the second transmits the ability to flow and the cycle of death and rebirth with the world. The third receives, the fourth transmits the power of transformation to bless humanity, the fifth receives, and the sixth emits the power of intuition and wisdom.

When a man and a woman meet, opposite polarities attract to form a singular essence, the "no polarity" one. This occurrence isn't limited to moments of sexual attraction; it is a common consequence in any meeting of the two sexes.


Nectar of Polarities


Inner man and woman