Pre-Recorded Courses

Start your Spiritual and Self-Development Journey with AlithiGi Academy Pre-Recorded Courses. Choose from our carefully selected courses and dive into a world of miracles. Enroll now and have lifetime access, because the right moment is always now but your right moment is up to you.

Akashic Records and Chakras
One time

A step by step guidance on how to access your Akashic Records without losing connection to your body and by staying grounded! Embark on a journey of Self-Development with Meditations, Tantra, Inner Child healing and more.

The Natural Woman
One time

Embark on a beautiful journey into the magical realms of your menstrual cycle. This course assists you in embracing your feminine power, healing the phases of the cycle, and reconnecting with the Goddess within.

Μαγνητοσκοπημένα Σεμινάρια Αυτοβελτίωσης

Ταξίδεψε μαζί μου μέσα από διαφορετικά σεμινάρια Αυτοβελτίωσης από την άνεση του σπιτιού σου. Εδώ θα βρεις μια ποικιλία σεμιναρίων της Αληθής Γης όπου μπορούν να στηρίξουν την μεταμόρφωση σου ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες σου και την στιγμή που βρίσκεσαι στο προσωπικό σου Ταξίδι.

Ακασικά Αρχεία και Τσάκρα
One time

Απόκτησε πρόσβαση στα Ακασικά Αρχεία μέσα από την Συνειδητή Γραφή! Ενα ταξίδι αυτοβελτίωσης και θεραπείας που σε βοηθάει να αναπτύξεις όλα τα μέρη του εαυτού σε απόλυτη ισορροπία!

Η Φύση της Γυναίκας
One time

Ένα μάθημα που σε βοηθά να αγκαλιάσεις τη Θηλυκή σου Δύναμη, να θεραπεύσεις τις Φάσεις του Κύκλου σου και να επανασυνδεθείς με τη Θεά μέσα σου

Cursos Grabados

Comienza tu viaje espiritual y de autodesarrollo con los Cursos Grabados de AlithiGi Academy. Elige entre nuestros cursos cuidadosamente seleccionados y sumérgete en un mundo de milagros. Inscríbete ahora y obtén acceso de por vida, porque el momento adecuado siempre es ahora, pero tu momento adecuado depende de ti.

La Mujer Natural
One time

Embárcate en un hermoso viaje hacia los reinos mágicos de tu ciclo menstrual. Este curso te ayuda a abrazar tu poder femenino, sanar las fases del ciclo y reconectar con la Diosa que habita en ti.

Turning Dreams into Reality: Participants’ Experiences

  • Agapi’s Goddesses work is truly innovative and sublimely deep. I really appreciate her authentic spin of the wheel, drawing from elements from her plethora of knowledge, embodied vibrations, and channeling to cut to the chase. Every week I welcome the different aspects of my feminine divinity, every month really is a portal of initiation, a spiral to go deeper into myself, or rather, releasing what is preventing my authentic expression of love. She connects you straight to the core with archetypal universal wisdom that has been lost and disconnected. My soul is eternally grateful to have been given back this connection that really is our goddamn birthright. I feel organically empowered and supported day by day. I cannot stress enough the important work she has birthed to redefine especially the modern woman, as a channeler and as a tantric initiator, two of my personally adored avenues to explore. A true priestess, there are no limits to the mind-blowing this woman can cause you. Prepare for a wild ride!

    Katerina Gadi

  • II don’t know how Agapi does it. She’s present, she’s lovely, she gets you! I continue to look through my notes almost a year later, and she had absolutely nailed what would be coming up for me with exact dates! These were complex issues I really needed help during transitioning times, and she gave me practical “fun homework” to do to evoke my health, wellbeing, and prepare my body, mind and destiny towards full fulfillment. She helps solve, and can see right through, the most intricate of problems, and give practical advice...not just feel good advice. I love her and her work. Highly recommend her to all.


  • When I work with Agapi, I feel a lot of trust because I know that I am working with someone who is able to set aside personal beliefs and assumptions in order to be fully present and transmit exactly what I need to hear. Agapi is a motivating force and a great guide to those parts of my consciousness that I can’t easily access myself due to resistances I hold. My favorite session with her was the one where she just said: “You are doing great. You don’t need me right now, all you need to do is trust.” Which proves that Agapi is a fearless and clear channel as well as a teacher of freedom. I strongly recommend her work to anyone who wishes for support to figure out the complications of life from a heart perspective.

    Daniel Bernhard

  • I lived Agapi's dancing lessons with so much joy! It is much more than just dancing! It helped me get in touch with my body, my self and with the ability to have fun! Thank you Agapi!

    Aliki Smerou

  • If I could describe my experience with Agapi’s THE POWER OF CYCLE with a phrase, that would be “one way ticket”. Once we have started unlocking one by one the four archetypes that correspond to the four phases of my menstrual cycle, changes started happening in many sectors of my life (profession, abundance, relationships, physical body) without any specific effort or worry. This journey helped me dive deep inside my core and get in touch with whatever is or is not mine, a place that we often identify with our dark side. With pure love, acceptance, humor and the spirit of researcher Agapi helped me realize and activate parts of myself that were suspended because of subconscious beliefs well hidden and difficult to process with the logical mind, family tree inherited information and previous lives’ imprints. Dissolving into love and compassion whatever could not serve my spirit anymore we unlocked the power of manifesting and creating my reality the way I want. We opened the gates for a happy, fulfilling and juicy life!!

    Patricia Maesa

  • You could say I have trust issues. And every new person I meet I scan it with my radar so many times until I decide if I can go on. Agapi went through really fast. I have known her for a long time now, and she is a coach I was looking for for so many many years. In the spiritual world, I was used in being alone, earning every step with hard tries, mistakes and victories that took much more time without someone that can provide you with the coaching needed in this dimension we are in right now.


  • A deep process during which I encountered knowledge that I had not heard about and experienced before. It is an initiation and a gift for understanding yourself deeply. I healed many wounds and received many supporting tools that I had never dreamed of. Incredible experience, indescribable, must be lived! I feel very grateful to Agapi for sharing these treasures!

    Magda Knefel