Create Abundance

If abundance was personified as a goddess, she might express, "I long to enter your life! My purpose is to enrich your existence with all that I am... Please, open your heart to me! Look within and identify any barriers that obstruct our union."

But how do these barriers come into existence?

Many of us are raised in a society that instills the belief that abundance is something to be strenuously pursued. Subconscious beliefs and societal conditioning often convey the notion that abundance is not accessible to everyone. Additionally, we may hold the belief that abundance necessitates hard work or even deceit.

These perspectives are merely programs that have been ingrained in us by society, religion, familial influences, childhood experiences, and more.

I firmly believe that abundance is intricately linked to our levels of self-worth, both consciously and subconsciously. While we may consciously affirm our worthiness of abundance, our subconscious beliefs may contradict this affirmation.

For instance, individuals may consciously aspire to increase their wealth, yet upon introspection, they may discover that their subconscious harbors conflicting desires. Unearthing and confronting these hidden beliefs can be challenging, as they often stem from childhood traumas, familial inheritances, societal conditioning, and other influences.

Without delving into the depths of our subconscious and acknowledging these underlying "programs," genuine transformation and the attraction of abundance remain elusive.

While writing letters to the universe and repeating affirmations can be beneficial practices, they alone cannot effect significant change unless we shine a light into the darkest recesses of our souls and confront the "monsters" dwelling within. It is through this introspective journey that we can authentically transform our lives and manifest the reality we truly deserve.


Senses: Gateways to Reconnect with the Spirit